Geo Spatial

This section explains the steps to configure the Geospatial plugin.

The option provides two types of Map settings.

  • Click the Geo-Spatial from the Configuration and Settings admin option.

  • The following option appears:

Geo Settings

  • Click the Geo Settings option from the Geo Spatial configuration option.

  • The Geo Settings page opens displaying the Google Settings and Leaflet Settings options.

  • Fill in the following information for the Google Map:

    • Map Key: Enter the map key that has been provided by Google (To be purchased from Google).

    • Click the Save option.

Fill in the following information for the Leaflet Settings:

  • Map URL: URL of the selected map (provided by the open-source vendors)

  • Attribution: Configuration parameters for the map (provided by the open-source vendor)

  • Click the Save option.

Please Note: Click the Clear option to erase the information.

Geo Shapes

Uploading a Geo Shape File

  • Click the Geo Shapes option from the Geo Spatial configuration option.

  • The Geo Shapes page opens.

  • Click the Add icon from the Geo Shapes page.

  • The Create Geo Shapes page opens.

  • Enter the following information:

    • Shape Name: Title of the geo shape (map)

    • Geometry Type: Select anyone Geometry type from the drop-down menu (out of Polygon or Line)

      • The supported Geometry types are: Polygon and Line.

    • Area Type: Select an area type using the drop-down menu.

    • Choose File: Browse a shapefile from the system and upload (Only JSON and js formats are supported).

  • Click the Save icon to save the inserted details.

  • A message will pop up to assure that the file has been uploaded.

  • The uploaded Geo Shape file get displayed in the list format.

Please Note: Use the Search space to search a Geo Shapefile from the displayed list.

Deleting a Geo Shape File

  • Select an uploaded Geo Shapefile from the list (as displayed at the bottom of the window).

  • Click the Delete icon provided next to a Geo Shape File.

  • A new window opens to confirm the deletion.

  • Select the DELETE option.

  • A notification message appears, and the selected Geo Shape file gets removed from the list.

Last updated