Profile Tab

The Profile tab gives an overview of the data profile like different patterns of data, distinct values, and occurrences. It also provides Auto-suggested transforms for the selected columns.

Info: Values/ Statistics

The information tab displays the value or statistics of the data. The following aspects are displayed about the chosen data when the column is of string type:

  • Count: Count of Rows

  • Valid: Count of Valid Data

  • Invalid: Count of Invalid Data

  • Empty: Count of empty cells

  • Duplicate: Count of Duplicates

  • Distinct: Distinct Values

When the selected column is of numeric type, other than the above-mentioned details the additional displayed information under the ‘Info’ tab is based on aggregation functions as mentioned below:

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Mean

  • Variance​


This section focuses on how data patterns and occurrences of each pattern in the dataset sample get plotted in a chart for the selected column.​​​

Please Note: The displayed value is not the actual value; it is just a pattern of the value displayed in the specific column.


The Suggestions option displays a tailor-made list containing suitable transformations from the available comprehensive list for the selected column. These auto-generated Suggestions help the users to clean their desired dataset in a faster and more accurate manner.

Accessing the Suggestions Option

  • Select a column from the dataset.

  • Open the Profile tab.

  • Scroll down to see the Suggestions option.

  • All the Suggestions related to the selected column get displayed.

Check out the given walk-through on how to use Suggestions for a specific column.

Applying Suggestions to a Specific Column

  • Select a column.

  • The Suggestions tab will display the auto-suggested transforms for the selected column.

  • Select a transform using the given checkbox.

  • Click the Apply option.

  • The selected transform gets applied to that column (a new column gets added with the applied transform).


This section contains in-built charts (Column and Bar charts) to display the occurrence of each value for the selected column.

The Column chart projects numeric value columns and dates.

The Bar chart appears to display string value.

Sorting the Bar Chart

The Bar chart can be sorted based on the group or the count of occurrences of a group. The sorted chart displays values in Ascending or Descending manner.

Use the given Search bar to customize the display of the Bar chart. E.g., By putting the "M" in the Search bar the displayed chart gets customized and displays only the count for the M category.

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