Stored Producer Runner

A stored procedure is a named group of SQL statements that are precompiled and stored in a database. A stored procedure runner component is designed to run pre-compiled set of instructions that is stored in a database and can be executed by a database management system on demand.

All component configurations are classified broadly into 3 section

Follow the given steps in the demonstration to configure the Stored Producer Runner component.

Configuring the Stored Procedure Runner Component

Configuring Meta information of Stored Procedure Runner

  • Host IP Address: Enter the Host IP Address for the selected driver.

  • Port: Enter the port for the given IP Address.

  • User name: Enter the user name for the provided database.

  • Password: Enter the password for the provided database.

  • Database name: Enter the Database name.

  • Procedure name: Provide the stored procedure name.

  • Driver: Select the driver from the drop down. There are 4 drivers supported here: MYSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL.

  • Input Parameters: These are values passed into the stored procedure from an external application or script(with name, value and type).

  • Output Parameters: These are values returned by the stored procedure to the calling application or script(with name and type).