Session Manager

The Session Manager displays the various status of the platform users. The user can kill an active session using this admin option.

  • Click the Session Manager option from the list of Admin options.​

  • The Active Sessions page opens.

  • Select an option from the drop-down menu to display either Admin or User list with the active sessions.

Please Note: The Active Admin Sessions get displayed by default. The user can choose User option from the drop-down menu to display the Active User Sessions.

  • Navigate to the Active Sessions page opens.

  • Select an option from the drop-down menu to display either Admin or User list with the active sessions.

  • Based on the selected option, the Active User Session/ Active Admin Session will list.

  • Select a user by using the checkbox provided next to any username.

  • Click the Kill Session icon.

  • A window appears to confirm the action.

  • Click the YES option.

  • The selected user’s session(s) gets killed, and a success message appears to inform the same.

  • The user gets removed from the Active User Session.

Please Note:

  • Users to whom the Kill Session option has been applied log out of their sessions without any notification. The users need to log in again to the BDB platform.

  • Use the drop-down menu to filter the displayed list of the Active Session as per Admin or User as displayed below:

  • Use the Search bar to search a specific user(s) from the displayed list of Active Sessions.

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