CA PPM Configuration

This section explains how to configure Clarity.

  • Select the CAPPM Configuration using the Authentication Admin option.​

  • A new page opens with 3 steps mentioned on it.

  • The fields for CA PPM Settings get displayed by default.

  • Provide a Username of a CAPPM account.

  • Enter the valid Password for the selected CAPPM account.

  • Enter the CAPPM server URL.

  • Provide the query name that fetches a list of the Clarity users in the User access NQuey field.

  • Click the Next option to proceed.

  • A success message appears, and the administrator gets directed to the CA PPM Sync Configuration tab.

  • The CA PPM Sync Configuration tab opens, displaying the Clarity User list.

  • Select a user.

  • Click the Next option.

  • A success message appears to confirm the user list update and the administrator gets directed to the Group Configuration tab.

  • Select a clarity user from the Group List and add to the Selected Clarity User list.

  • Select clarity user from the List.

  • Click the Save option.

Please Note:

  • Click the Back option to go back on the CA PPM Settings page.

Last updated