Support Policy

Supported Software:BDB Platform & it’s Plugins

Policy Term

Coverage Hours

Business Hours: 9 AM to 9 PM, IST,

Monday through Friday except National holidays

Supported Channels

Customized email ID

Supported Contacts

Licensed user of BDB Platform

Three designated contacts for BDB Platform

Target Response Times During Business Hours

Acknowledgement Time

Four (4) hours for P1 Incidents via an Email from BDB

Eight (8) hours for P2 & P3 Incidents via an Email from BDB

Sixteen (16) hours for P4 & P5 Incidents via an Email from BDB

Response Time

P1 – 8 hours

P2 – 48 hours

P3 & P4 – 72 hours

P5 – Based on the request complexity

Target Update Frequency

P1 – Daily P2 – P3 Weekly P4 – BI Weekly P5 – NA

Support Term


Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Customer and BDB, Support Services will commence on the date of electronic delivery of the Software and will continue thereafter for

an initial support term of one (1) year. Thereafter, Support Services shall be renewed upon

BDB’s receipt of applicable payment from Customer. All terms and conditions hereof shall remain in effect during each one-year support term.

Last updated