Global and Embeddable
What support does the BDB Platform have for internationalization? (date, time, and currency formats based on local browser settings).
Yes, the BDB Platform supports basic internationalization during the time of deployment. The current release doesn’t support local browser settings and can be planned in a later release in case this is critical for the Customer.
What support does the BDB Platform have for localization and are both left-to-right and right-to-left languages supported? Does the system also support double-byte languages?
Yes, the BDB Platform supports localization. Currently, we do not support double-byte languages.
Does the BDB Platform support any translation capabilities?
We do not support translation capabilities at present, but the BDB Platform supports a language mapping facility where visualizations can display various mapped languages using this facility. Different people in the same organization will be able to see their dashboards in the language of their choice.
What accessibility standards are supported in the BDB Platform?
Currently, we do not support accessibility standards. We have the plan to support (WCAG) 2.0 in our roadmap.
Does the BDB Platform support the embedding of a single visualization and/or an entire dashboard into a customer product page? Describe any limitations.
Yes, BDB Dashboard can be embedded in Customer product pages via iFrame and SDK calls.
Does the BDB Platform support embedding a Customer page in a dashboard Designer?
Yes, it can be embedded inside BDB Dashboard Designer via custom scripting.
Does the BDB Platform support creation of dynamic URL links that can be used to drill through to a Customer product page related to a specific record?
Yes, the BDB Dashboard Designer module supports the creation of such dynamic URLs. The Dashboard Designer has extensive JavaScript support and SDK methods using which features can be achieved.
What is your methodology for embedding analytics into applications?
For embedding analytics into the application BDB dashboards can be embedded using an iframe. Further, BDB can expose Data as API and Model as API which can be used to integrate with any application which can consume such APIs and can display the results from the same.
Last updated