Data Preparation

Features of the Data Preparation

  • Data gets displayed in the familiar grid format & basic anomaly detection as soon as data is uploaded.

  • 60+ data transformations for basic as well as advanced data cleansing.

  • Smart features like history tracking of operations for redo/undo/ replay.

  • Extract clean data.

  • Option to view sample data (10 K) in a paginated grid.

  • Option to get a statistical profile of the data.

  • A quality bar to indicate the percent of valid, invalid, and blank rows.

  • Ability to view the changes in data, after each transform.

  • Ability to undo/redo the transforms if changes are not acceptable.

  • Option to write nested transforms using SQL transform.

  • Option to view the list of transforms performed on the current data.

  • Option to filter data by clicking on the profiling charts.

  • Option to perform transforms on the filtered data.

  • Option to export the steps to Pipeline so that it can be performed on full data.

Last updated