BDB Vertical Analytics


BDB is a Low-Code/No-Code modern, unified data & analytics platform which can help users with Data Pipeline, Data Management, Data Science, and Data Visualization over any kind of data lake to build, maintain, distribute Business Analytics.

BDB is a leading AI-based end-to-end Data Analytics Platform provider. It has Data Pipeline, Data Cleansing, ETL, Predictive, Deep Learning Workbench, Self-service BI, AI-driven Search, and Analytics Dashboards available on Cloud, On-premises on Any Device and can connect with any Structured, Unstructured, IoT, Blockchain data Sources. Different Personas like Data Architects, Data Engineers, Data Scientists & Citizen Data Scientists use this platform to create business analytics for Business Users, Business Viewers & CXOs to bring the entire ecosystem to a single version of the truth while still maintaining the Security, user roles & GDPR guidelines. BDB works on any cloud data provider or any Server class machine.

NLP/AI/ML-based Analytics

  • Text Classification: Given a text data: tweets, reviews, etc. we will be able to classify them into distinct categories (Positive, Negative for sentiment; Relevant, Not Relevant, etc.) Accuracy above 98%.

  • Aspect-Based Sentiment Analytics: To get the sub-theme/ aspect out of the reviews and the associated sentiment for that.

  • Image Segmentation: The result of image segmentation is a set of segments that collectively cover the entire image.

  • Applications: Medical imaging including volume-rendered images from computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Locate tumors and other pathologies, Measure tissue volumes, Diagnosis, and study anatomical structure. Information Extraction from Text Data: Named entities, topic extraction, etc.

  • Miscellaneous - Multilingual text analysis, Object Detection, face recognition, Emotion Detection, Real-time Video Analytic


  • Strategic Plan Dashboards for the Leadership Team

  • Academic Dashboards

  • Analyze the Performance of Cohorts

  • Identify Correlations between Admission Tests, High School Grades with Performance (semester GPA) of Students at University

  • Data insights to Highlight Hidden Trends and Patterns in Data

  • Standardizing and digitalizing advisory and internal reports for Board meetings and organization-wide usage

  • Administering and analysis of Professional Learning activities of University admins/staff/faculty, research projects, and other initiatives

  • Admissions

  • Finance/Financial Modelling and Simulation

  • Student Attrition/ Student Insights

  • Outplacement Analytics

  • Bus Route Optimization

  • Classroom Optimization

  • Sports Analytics in K12


  • Instore Analytics

  • Demand Forecasting

  • Overall Store Analytics

  • Franchise-based Store Analytics in different Languages

  • E-Commerce Analytics

  • Customer Segmentation

  • Sales Forecasting (5000 SKUs, 2000 Distributors)

  • Market Basket

  • Price Elasticity

  • Markdown Analytics

  • Reverse Retails Analytics

  • Restaurant Analytics

  • Basic Big Data, Sentiment, Social Media, and Video Analytics

  • Airport Travel Retail Analytics

Banking and Financial Services

  • Balance Sheets & Basic Financial Analytics

  • Credit Card Scoring Model

  • Big Data Analytics Framework for Banking Industry

  • Web-based Analytics Application for Small Banks

Health Care and Insurance·

  • Insurance Fraud Analytics

  • Insurance Claim Analytics

  • Patient Summary Reports

  • Hospital Analytics

  • Healthcare Survey & Related Analytics

Utilities, Manufacturing, and Industrial IoT

  • Alerts & Monitoring (Oil & Gas)

  • Data Extraction (PDF) & Analytics

  • Smart Meter Analytics (Solar)

  • Plant Analytics (Solar)

  • DG Set IoT Analytics

  • Connected Cars/DG Set/Oil & Gas Equipment/Manufacturing Equipment

Project Management Office

  • Portfolio/Program Dashboard

  • Program Status Report Dashboard

  • Project Status Report Dashboard

  • Automatic Dashboards and Self-Service Reports on CA PPM, Jira, Service Now


  • Churn Analytics

  • Customer Journey Analytics

    • Sentiment Analytics

    • Funnel Analytics

    • Customer Segmentation

  • Network Optimization Analytic

  • IoT Fraud – POS Analytics

  • Business Operations Analytics

  • Data Monetization Analytics

  • KYC Analytics – Authentication


  • Predict the time for Infection to reach a particular country, region, or industry

  • Likelihood of hitting a Country or Region

  • Integration with a Security Product that detects Malicious activities on endpoints by adding real-time events


  • Real-time Analytics with Predication happening in a few seconds

  • Analytics on Brands – Video Analytics

  • Analytics on Individual Player or Team Performance

  • Augmented Analytics

Media and Entertainment

  • Video/Image Analytics based on Live Streaming

  • Sales & Marketing Analytics on Brand Exposure

  • Financial and Admin Analytics

Digital & Social Media Analytic

  • Twitter Sentiments

  • Facebook, Linked-in, Google & Other Social Media Connector based Analytics

  • Web Analytics from Various Sources like Mail Chimp Campaign

  • Sales and Marketing Analytics

  • Digital ROI

360 Degrees in Customer Analytics

Customer Segmentation

  • Customer Analytics and Buying Patterns

  • Market Share Analytics

  • Customer Churn using Survival Analytics

  • Survey Based Analytics

    • Customer Loyalty

    • Customer Satisfaction

    • Relative Performance

  • Loyalty Programs

  • Sponsorship Analytics through BDB Image/ Video AI

  • Social Media Analytics

    • Campaign Analytics

    • Sentiment Analytics

Construction Analytics

  • Track the Work on the Construction Map

  • Analyze Construction Project Risk

  • Tracking Construction Equipment & Assets

  • Contractor Performance

  • Insights Related to Various Locations at the Construction Sites

Supply Chain/Logistics Analytics

  • Order Segmentation

  • Cost Distribution by Aging

  • Pareto Analytics

  • Top Suppliers & Buyers’ Analytics

  • Shipment Tracking

  • Revenue & Cost Analytics

  • Late Delivery & Failure Tracking

HR Analytics

  • HR Survey & Churn

  • Employee Satisfaction & Performance

  • Teamwork b/w Departments

  • Training Effectiveness

  • FTE/PTE Analytics

  • Attritions Analytics

  • Hiring Analytics

Automobile Analytics

  • Sentiment Analytics (Twitter and web) with Correlation of Sentiments and Sales

  • Connected Cars, Hybrid Car – Driver Behaviour, Driver Score Cards

  • Real-time Plotting of Car Data on Open Street Maps

  • General Administration, Finance, and Usage related Dashboards

  • Insights on – Fuel Consumption, Trip Details, Route Details, and Drive Behaviour on Trips

  • Real-Time Reporting/ Analytics/ Dashboards on Exceptionally Large Data Volumes in 100s of TBs.

SaaS Analytics –

  • Amazon, Flipkart Analytics & Advanced Analytics for Merchants with Real-Time Data Pipeline

  • Financial Analytics on Tally, Quick book, etc.

  • Campaign Analytics Solution on top of all web-related APIs

  • Digital Analytics Solutions

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