How is BDB different than Azure, AWS, or GCP?
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At a very high level, the above 3 are Cloud Offerings that have Cloud Servers (Hardware Farms), an entire Suite of Business Intelligence (Ingestion, Curation, AI/ML, Visualization, etc.) Software offered as Pay as Use Services, Data Lake (or Data Lake Houses) [Data Storage]. They are strong in Cloud; they do give customers on-premises services but those are at a very high price point. They try to tie enterprises to their ecosystem and after a certain point of time or maturity, their TCO is so high that most businesses feel cost pressures.
BDB is a suite of Business Intelligence Offering as a Single Platform that charges in a much more Predictable or Controlled way and gives the Flexibility required for the Enterprises to build their Data Platform.
BDB can be installed On-Premises & in Cloud (SaaS as well as Private Cloud) OR Hybrid (Cloud or On-Premises mode together). Just by using BDB as the BI Software, Customers can think of reducing TCO by 35-40% by implementing the following steps -