Business Story

Is BDB Platform empowered to provide smart Visualization?

The Self-service report (Business Story) module of BDB is an intelligent solution that uses unsupervised machine learning to make it possible for information to be found in a resource-efficient way. This feature allows the user to select any data attribute and find what are the key drivers for that attribute. It is also embedded with intuitive AI based data search which helps a business user to generate data insights through text search (data query) or voice command (through BDB mobile app) across millions of rows.

Does the BDB Platform provide Crosstab View Analysis/ Tabular View Analysis?

Yes, the BDB Business Story (Self-Service report) enables Business users to create grid by slicing and dicing the measure & dimensions on the fly.

Does the BDB Platform provide Auto suggestions and recommendations option?

Yes, In BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) we have Search Option that gives auto suggestions and recommendations for the questions/queries. As we start typing a search, the search suggestion pane automatically displays the suggestions based on what we have entered and the NLP engine in background converts the search queries to a mathematical query and the output gets delivered through charts. The user can toggle between the charts to choose the best one as per the requirement.

Does the BDB Platform provide Dynamic Crosstab Building and Modification with Drag & Drop?

The BDB Platform provides an option to create an object with limited data while creating new object.

Can we do Slice & Dice of data in the BDB Platform?

Yes, we can implement different types of queries during datastore creation. BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports slice & dice functionality to create instant views.

Can we do drill down in the BDB Platform (Visualization)?

The BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Drill Down Feature which will be defined in the Data Store creation.

Can we do Ranking in the BDB Platform?

The BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Order by function where the user can pass Limit to show data in ascending, descending manner.

Does the BDB Platform support Data Operation?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports operations like Sum, Max, Min, Variance, Mean, Standard deviation, Cumulative Sum, etc.

Does the BDB Platform support Summary Operation?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Summary Operations for the measure column in the fomats like Sum, Min, Max etc.

Does the BDB Platform support Filter Option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Filters like View filter, View based filter and Global filter functionalities.

Does the BDB Platform support Suppress Zeros?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Suppress Zeros.

Does the BDB Platform support Absolute Time Series?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Slider, this will help for viewing huge data in Timeseries.

Does the BDB Platform support Sorting Option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports sorting as Advance and Custom sorting.

Does the BDB Platform provide Zoom in /Zoom out features?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Zoom in/ out feature, when double click on a Story View.

Does the BDB Platform display Data value? How does the value mapping take place in the Story?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Data Label (in both Enable and Disable way).

Does the BDB Platform support Spot Lighter?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports highlighting the drill in the analytics mode.

Does the BDB Platform support Notes option? Does the BDB Platform support Social BI?

Yes, BDB Business Story (Self-Service Report) has inbuilt Comments Option which helps the shared user to perform conversations in the reports itself.

Does the BDB Platform support Formatting Dimension and Measure Values?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) Supports Formatting measure column in different types.

Does the BDB Platform support User Defined Dimensions?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports user defined names for headers .

Can BDB Platform provide export option ?

Yes, BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports export option in different formats (csv,xlsx,pdf,ppt).

Is there Publish features available in the BDB Platform?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Report Bursting where the email comes in an embedded in the email body.

Does the BDB Platform support Global Variables/Retrieval Parameters?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports parameters when we pass condition in queries.

Does the BDB Platform support sub view of the Data?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Drill Into and Drill Through functionalities, that drills the data or date columns. Also, Business Story has the Dissolution chart which supports sub view.

Does the BDB Platform support On-the-fly conversion to Graph?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports NLP (Natural Language Generation) feature to quickly generate graphs based on the searched queries.

Does the BDB Platform support object information?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Dimension/ Measure view and datastore information mentioning a list of all the datastores used for the particular story.

Does the BDB Platform support Dynamic Tabular Building and Modification with Drag & Drop?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Drag and Drop functionality to instantly create a View.

Does the BDB Platform provide page navigation option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports breadcrumb where we can open stories.

Does the BDB Platform support Drill Down option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Drill Down feature which will be defined in the Data Store creation.

Does the BDB Platform provides master details view option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) provides Storyboard where all the designed Views will be saved to frame an insightful business story.

Does the BDB Platform provide different types of charting components?

Yes, BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports different types of charts and most of the charts can be viewed in different styles.

  • Vertical Bar

  • Horizontal Bar

  • Stacked Vertical Bar

  • Stacked

  • Horizontal Bar

  • Percentage Vertical Bar

  • Percentage Horizontal Bar

  • Line

  • Stacked Line

  • Percentage Line

  • Area

  • Stacked Area

  • Percentage Area

  • Pie

  • Radar

  • Stacked Radar

  • Combined

  • XY Chart

  • Histogram

  • Candle Stick

  • High Low Open Close

  • Heatmap

Is there option of Gauges chart in the BDB Platform?

Yes, BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Semi-Gauge chart.

Does the BDB Platform support On-the-fly conversion from one graph type to another?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) Supports NLP (Natural Language Generation) feature which generates graph for the queries which is natural language quickly.

Does the BDB Platform support Configuration of Graph Properties?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) have different type of inbuilt charts, each chart is having different types of Properties which can be configured.

Does the BDB Platform support Reference Lines option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Reference lines in the format of Cumulative Sum.

Does the BDB Platform support Trend Lines option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Trend lines in the KPI Tile charts.

Does the BDB Platform support Color Schemes / Themes for Graphs?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports "Change Theme" and also can change the color of the charts using series properties.

Does the BDB Platform support On-the-fly Conversion from one view to another?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports on-the-fly conversion from one view to another, user can either drag n drop and choose from the available charts and also using NLP feature use can write the questions or even Speak the questions and system will generate chart which user can change as per their references and also can change the color aesthetics and other chart properties like legends, headings, formats, axis, restricts values, sort by ascending, descending or custom formats.

Does the BDB Platform support Graph data value display?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) Support Data Label (in both Enable and Disable way).

Does the BDB Platform support KPI breakdown option?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports breakdown option in a format of Trend.

Does the BDB Platform support Configuration of KPIs and KPI View Properties?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Configuration to create the Trends.

Does the BDB Platform support Formatting KPI Values?

BDB Business Story (Self-service Report) supports Formatting for the KPI Tiles.

Is there an option available for KPI views in the BDB Platform?

There are 3 types of KPI chart view available in the Story module. Each KPI chart type has different properties. The KPI Tile and KPI Comparative Tile support the Alert option. The KPI Spark Line chart supports the graphical view.

Last updated