

  • Navigate to the Designer homepage.

  • Click the Preferences option from the left panel.

  • The Preferences for a dashboard canvass appear.

  • Set the desired preferences either by enabling it through a checkmark or selecting it from the provided menus.

  • Click the Save option.

  • The selected preferences get applied to the dashboard canvass.

  • The available preferences for a dashboard are as described below:

Property Name


Show Grid Lines

Enable this option to display grid lines in the designer area

Snap to Grid Size

Select an option to display the grid size (None/5/10/15)

Notify on Success

Enable this option to get a notification of success

Block Notification

Enable this option to block the notification message

Show Settings Button

Enable this option to display the toolbar when any component is selected

Selection Color

Redirects to select a color to display when any component when dragged to the canvass

Selection Thickness

Set (increase/decrease) the thickness of the component border

Show Border

Enable this option to display a border on the dashboard

Border Color

Redirects to select a border color to display in the Dashboard

Background Color

Redirects to select a color to display in the dashboard background

Hide Shadow

Enable this option to hide the shadow of the components

Sync Component Property

Enable this option to synchronize the component property

Enable Multiple Drag

Enable this option to select multiple charts and then move them together in the dashboard

Fixed Dimension

Enable this option to set the fixed height & width of the dashboard

Last updated