Dashboard Canvas Page

Dashboard Designer space can be understood as a folder that contains Data Source connections, Components, Dashboard Objects, and Component Attributes.

Dashboard Canvas Page

  • Navigate to the Designer homepage.

  • Click the Add Dashboard icon on the homepage.


  • Click the New drop-down icon on the homepage.

  • Select the Dashboard option.

  • The Designer space/Canvas opens with a Designer Canvas space, header menu panel, and a right-side menu panel.

The user can access wide range of charting components, filters, and Grid components available in the Designer module from the Designer canvas page to create a dashboard.

Refer to the following image to understand the various components provided on the Designer Canvas:

  1. 1.Tab: Place where dashboard design takes place. Drag and drop charts and components here to create dashboards.

  2. 2.Mobile : Displays Dashboard screen like a Mobile device.

  3. 3.Tablet : Displays Dashboard screen like Tablet.

  4. 4.Large Screen : Displays Dashboard screen like Desktop.

  5. 5.Save to Local Disk : Saves the created dashboards to your local disk.

  6. 6.Save to Another Workspace (Save As) : Saves a copy of the original dashboard to another workspace or the same workspace.

  7. 7.Save (Dashboard) : Saves the created dashboards in a workspace.

  8. 8.Preview : Displays the preview mode of the dashboard.

  9. 9.Full Screen : Maximizes the dashboard for a better view.

  10. 10.Data Connectors : Connects to a wide range of data sources.

  11. 11.Component Library : Includes a compelling range of charts, filters, and data grids.

  12. 12.Manage Dashboard Components : Option used to lock, hide, and order the layout of the components on the dashboard.

  13. 13.Component Variables and Script : Option used to define component scripts.

  14. 14.Guided Tour : Begins the guided tour for the Designer canvas.

Please Note:

  • The users will be redirected to the Designer homepage by clicking the Home option.

  • Use the Save As option to save a dashboard in the same workspace with a different name. The user can save the dashboard in a different workspace.

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