
This section explains question related properties.

  • Placeholder: The set placeholder text appears when the answer field is kept empty as displayed in the following image:

  • Required: Enabling the required option, the question becomes mandatory to be answered. The question gets a ‘*’ mark to indicate the same.

  • Disabled: Selecting the No option for this field allows the user to upload multiple files for this. By selecting the Yes option, the question disabled for the user to give a response.

  • Question Tooltip: Add a tooltip to the right side of this field.

  • Error Message: The label provided for this field appears as an error message.

  • Prefix Example: Special characters like $, @, & can be added as a prefix.

  • Postfix Example: Special characters like $, @, & can be added as a postfix.

The preview page describes:​​

  • Default Value: The set value becomes the default value for this field, before user interaction. Having a default value overrides the placeholder text.

  • Minimum Length: Set minimum length requirement for the field.

  • Maximum Length: Set maximum length requirement for the field.