Pipeline Toolbar

The Pipeline Editor contains a Toolbar at the top right side of the page with various options to be applied on a Pipeline workflow.

The Toolbar can be expanded or some of the options can be hidden by using the Show Options or Hide Options icons.

  • Hide Options: By clicking this icon some of the Toolbar icons get hidden.

  • Show Options: By clicking this icon all the Toolbar icons get listed.

The user can find the following option in the Pipeline Toolbar.


Opens Pipeline Overview page.

Redirects to the Pipeline testing page

Helps to search component across Pipelines through the Object Browser panel.

Allows to push & pull the pipeline to VCS or GIT.

Opens the Pipeline in Full screen

Opens or closes the log panel

Opens or closes Event panel

Activates or deactivates the Pipeline

Updates the Pipeline

Redirects to the Failure Analysis page

Redirects to the Pipeline Monitoring page

Deletes the Pipeline and moves it to Trash folder.

Redirects to the Pipeline List page.

Redirects to the Settings page.

Redirects to Pipeline Component Configuration page.

Redirects user to failure alert history window.

Format the pipeline components in arranged manner.

Zoom in the pipeline workspace.

Zoom out the pipeline workspace.

Last updated