Mongodb Writer

This task writes the data to MongoDB collection.

Configuring the Meta Information tab fields

Drag the MongoDB writer task to the Workspace and click on it to open the related configuration tabs for the same. The Meta Information tab opens by default.

  • Connection Type: Select the connection type from the drop-down:

    • Standard

    • SRV

    • Connection String

  • Port (*): Provide the Port number (It appears only with the Standard connection type).

  • Host IP Address (*): The IP address of the host.

  • Username (*): Provide a username.

  • Password (*): Provide a valid password to access the MongoDB.

  • Database Name (*): Provide the name of the database where you wish to write data.

  • Additional Parameters: Provide details of the additional parameters.

  • Schema File Name: Upload Spark Schema file in JSON format.

  • Save Mode: Select the Save mode from the drop down.

    • Append: This operation adds the data to the collection.

    • Ignore: "Ignore" is an operation that skips the insertion of a record if a duplicate record already exists in the database. This means that the new record will not be added, and the database will remain unchanged. "Ignore" is useful when you want to prevent duplicate entries in a database.

    • Upsert: It is a combination of "update" and "insert". It is an operation that updates a record if it already exists in the database or inserts a new record if it does not exist. This means that "upsert" updates an existing record with new data or creates a new record if the record does not exist in the database.

Please Note: Please click the Save Task In Storage icon to save the configuration for the dragged writer task.

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