ES Reader

Elasticsearch is an open-source search and analytics engine built on top of the Apache Lucene library. It is designed to help users store, search, and analyze large volumes of data in real-time. Elasticsearch is a distributed, scalable system that can be used to index and search structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

This task is used to read the data located in Elastic Search engine.

Configuring the Meta Information tab fields

Drag the ES reader task to the Workspace and click on it to open the related configuration tabs for the same. The Meta Information tab opens by default.

  • Host IP Address: Enter the host IP Address for Elastic Search.

  • Port: Enter the port to connect with Elastic Search.

  • Index ID: Enter the Index ID to read a document in elastic search. In Elasticsearch, an index is a collection of documents that share similar characteristics, and each document within an index has a unique identifier known as the index ID. The index ID is a unique string that is automatically generated by Elasticsearch and is used to identify and retrieve a specific document from the index.

  • Resource Type: Provide the resource type. In Elasticsearch, a resource type is a way to group related documents together within an index. Resource types are defined at the time of index creation, and they provide a way to logically separate different types of documents that may be stored within the same index.

  • Is Date Rich True: Enable this option if any fields in the reading file contain date or time information. The "date rich" feature in Elasticsearch allows for advanced querying and filtering of documents based on date or time ranges, as well as date arithmetic operations.

  • Username: Enter the username for elastic search.

  • Password: Enter the password for elastic search.

  • Query: Provide a spark SQL query.

Please Note: Please click the Save Task In Storage icon to save the configuration for the dragged reader task.

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