Export Properties

The Export Properties option helps to insert Header and Footer for the Story while exporting it into PDF.

  • Navigate to the final screen of a report.

  • Click the Export Properties icon.

  • The Export Properties window opens.

  • Set the PDF Header properties.

    • Provide Header Text.

    • Set the Header Font Size.

    • Select Alignment for the Header Text.

  • Set the PDF Footer properties.

    • Use the given checkbox to display the Page number.

    • Set the Footer Font Size.

    • Select Alignment for the Footer Text.

  • Select an option using the Grid section.

    • The user can select an option using the drop-down menu. The provided choices are Screenshot and Tabular.

  • Click the Apply icon.

  • The report gets saved with the configuration.

  • Click the Export icon.

  • Select the PDF option from the displayed export options.

  • Open the PDF version of the report after it gets exported into PDF.

  • The inserted Header and Footer can be seen in the exported PDF version of the report.

Please Note: The inserted page number and the report Header are also displayed in the report's tabular format.

Last updated