View Measure Summary

This page explains steps to access and apply View Summary to a View.

Check out the walk-through on how to show Measure Summary for a View.

The users can access summary properties by clicking on the Summary option on the Design New page.

  • Navigate to the Design page to create a new View.

  • Drag and drop the required dimensions and measures to create a View.

  • Click the Header Configuration icon.

  • The Header Configuration dialog box appears.

  • Navigate to the Summary section.

  • Enable Summary.

  • Set the following details:

    • Enable: Check in the Enable option for creating a summary.

    • Measure: Select a measure from the drop-down menu.

    • Aggregation: Select an aggregation type from the drop-down menu.

    • Format Type: Select a format type from the drop-down menu.

    • Currency Type: Select a currency symbol from the available choices.

    • Precision: Select a number up to what the precision value can be displayed.

  • Click the Apply option.

  • The measure summary value is displayed on the Design canvas page by clicking the Apply button.

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