Create a Report with Data Preparation - Inside the Report UI

Create a new Report by implementing the Data Preparation steps to an uploaded file using the Report UI.

Check out the given walk-through to create a new report on top of an uploaded file that contains Data Preparation steps.

Please follow the below-given steps to create a new report based on an uploaded file containing the Data Preparation Steps:

  • Click the Report icon or Create a Report option from the Platform homepage.

  • The Create New Report dialog box opens.

  • Provide the name of the Report.

  • Describe the Report.

  • Click the Upload CSV option to upload a CSV file.

  • Provide a name for the Datastore.

  • Click the Choose File option to select and upload a file from the local system.

Please Note: After selecting the Upload CSV file a field to mention the delimiter appears on the Create New Report page.

  • The selected file's name appears next to the Choose File option.

  • A notification flashes to inform you that uploading the selected file may take a few moments.

  • A notification message appears to ensure that the file is successfully uploaded.

  • Click the Data Prep option provided at the bottom of the page.

  • The data of the selected CSV file opens in the Data Grid format under the Data Preparation framework.

  • Apply the required Transforms. or Click the Auto Prep option to apply the auto-mated transforms to the selected data (In the below-given image the Auto Prep option has been chosen).

  • Open the Steps tab to see the applied Data Preparation steps (In this case, all the transforms part of the Auto Prep appear as a single step).

  • Provide a name for the Data Preparation.

  • Click the SAVE option.

  • A notification message ensures the user that the Data Preparation has been successfully applied.

  • Click the Apply and Close icon.

  • A notification ensures that the selected Data Preparation has been applied.

  • Click the Create Report option.

  • Another notification message informs the users that the Data Store creation process has been started and a status notification will be sent shortly.

  • The report gets created under My Documents, and the Design canvas of the report opens by default.

  • Create a View by drag and drop of the required Dimensions and Measures.

  • Click the Save option to save the View.

  • A notification message appears to ensure that the View has been created successfully.

  • The newly created View gets Saved to the final screen of the Report.

Please Note: The same steps can be applied to an uploaded Excel file to create a Report.

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