Exclude from the Global Filter

Check out the walk-through on how to exclude a View from the Global Filter.

The Global filter values are applied to all the available Views of a report (if they are created using the same data store). The users can exclude a specific view from the Global Filter effect by selecting the Exclude from the Global Filter option.

  • Select a View from the Report.

  • Click the Options icon for a View.

  • Click the Edit option.

  • Navigate to the Design mode of a view that you wish to exclude from the Global Filter effect.

  • Enable the Exclude Global Filter option from the Properties tab.

  • Click the Save icon.

Enabling the Exclude Global Filter icon
  • The user gets redirected to the final screen of the Report.

  • Apply the Global Filter value. Refer the Global Filter page for the details.

Applying the Global Filter on the All Views of a Report
  • All the Views get modified according to the Global filter, but the selected View gets excluded from the Global filter.

  • The Global Filters Excluded icon gets added to the View that has been excluded from the Global Filter.

The Excluded View does not show any change while applying the Global Filter values​

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