Retail Customer Segmentation

The Interface of the Dashboard

Header Tab

We have 3 tabs in this section which are as given below:

Customer Segmentation

Advanced Analysis

Feedback Analysis

Customer Segmentation Tab KPIs

Franchise In-Sight filter

  • All the unique franchises are listed, and users can select different franchises to visualize the data.

Revenue label

  • The total revenue for the selected franchise will be shown by this label.

Best Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of Best customers for the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • The count of year-wise best customers is shown in the below Sparkline.

Valuable Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of Valuable customers in the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of Valuable customers is shown in the below sparkline.

Shopper Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of Shopper customers in the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of Shopper customers is shown in the below sparkline.

Spenders Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of customers who spends in the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of customers who spend is shown in the below sparkline.

Frequent Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of Frequent customers in the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of Frequent customers is shown in the below sparkline.

First Time Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of first-time purchasers in the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of first-time purchasers is shown in the below sparkline.

Churn Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of churn customers for the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of churn customers is shown in the below sparkline.

Uncertain Tile

  • This tile shows the Count of uncertain customers for the current year and also the previous year. The trend also shows how the count varies from the previous year to the current year.

  • A yearly wise count of uncertain customers is shown in the below sparkline.

Total Customers Tile

  • This tile shows the total customers for the current year and also the previous year.

  • The below-given Bar chart shows the growth in the Customer Count.

Product Segment Spread

  • This KPI shows the menu items and count of orders for each item for the respective tile value.

Customer Movement Pattern

  • This KPI shows customer segmentation. For example, the Count of customers gets changed from best to valuable or valuable to best.

Customer Details

  • This KPI shows the customer’s details such as name, the amount spent, age, and whether are they active for selected ‘In’ or ‘Out’ from the “Customer Movement Pattern” KPI.

Customer Product Spread

  • This KPI shows what are the items ordered and the count of the orders of each item for the selected customer from the “Customer Details” KPI.

Franchise In Sight Values Table

  • This table shows the revenue of each franchise and its growth.

Advanced Analysis Tab KPIs

Franchise In Sight

  • This KPI shows the franchise-wise revenue and its growth.

Item Filter

  • Unique items are listed down where users can select different items and visualize the respective data in the Product Demand Forecasting and Market Basket Analysis KPIs.

Product Demand Forecasting

  • This KPI shows the actual no of items ordered up to now and the demand for those items in the future.

  • The dotted line represents the count of demand forecasted items.

Market Basket Analysis

  • This KPI shows the customers who are likely to buy the items alongside the purchased item.

Feedback Analysis Tab KPIs

Overall Rating

  • This KPI tile shows the Overall rating given by customers


  • This KPI tile shows the Cognitive percentage value

Website Revisit

  • This KPI tile shows the total percentage of customers who revisited the website.


  • Percentage of male customers out of total customers.


  • Percentage of female customers out of total customers.

Customer Satisfaction and Status:

  • This KPI shows customer satisfaction with the service.

  • The Status bar shows the percentage values of dissatisfied, neutral, and satisfied.

NPS Details

  • This KPI shows the percentage values of different customer feedback.

Region-Wise Customer Ageing

  • This KPI shows the region-wise percentage of aging of the customers.

Last updated