Order Portal Story

Overview of the Business story


Total orders: Total count of orders made by customers

Total clients: Total no of customers who ordered the food.

Total revenue: Sum of the amount from orders.

Total delivered: Total count of delivered orders.

Total cancelled: Total number of orders cancelled.

Month-wise order details

  • This KPI displays the month-wise no. of orders that were placed and the revenue through those orders.

Top 10 Location-wise Revenue:

  • This KPI shows the top 10 cities with the highest placed orders.

  • The revenue of those orders also gets plotted along with the no. of orders.

Order Type

  • This KPI shows the order count and total revenue for different order types. (Ex: online, pos).

Top 10 Customers

  • This KPI displays the Top 10 customers from whom most of the orders are received.

Last updated