Machine Sensors – Dashboard
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The oil & gas dashboard provides information about sensors & alerts
The dashboard has two tabs
The above filter panel has four options.
The Plant filter helps to select one of the plants.
The Unit filter will show units for the selected plant. Here, the user should select one of the units.
The Sensor filter will show sensors for the selected unit. Here, the user should select one of the sensors.
From & To are date range filters. Users can select a date by using the ‘From’ & ‘To filter options’. The dashboard will display data for that period.
The user should click on the Apply button to visualize KPIs for the selected filters.
The Incident Action tab shows details about issue tickets mainly the number of tickets by assignee, issues by status, and incident summary about issue tickets.
The Incident Details tab shows incident details about sensors.
The Total Ticket tab shows the total number of issued tickets.
The In-Progress Ticket tab shows the total number of tickets where the status is in progress.
The Closed Ticket tab shows the total number of closed tickets.
This KPI shows no. of issues assigned to the respective engineers.
This KPI shows the total no of issues by status in Percentage.
This KPI shows the detailed Jira ticket incident of which the sensor gave the alert and description, etc.
From here you can change the assignee, and the status of the ticket, you can also pass a comment on the issue ticket
The Incident Details provides the average value of the sensor on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
In the Daily filter, you can drill down to hours, minutes, and seconds.
Based on the above-clicked filter, the chart will tailor the data.
This KPI provides the details of the history of Alerts Data which will give Value, Timestamp, Plant ID, Machine ID, Sensor ID, etc.
The Live Alert Indicator KPI on the top right corner of the dashboard shows the live alert indicator which subsequently shows the Sensor ID, Value, and Timestamp of the anomaly data.
Data Pipeline
DS Lab
Data Center – Data as API
Data Pipeline Engineer
Data Scientist
Dashboard Engineer
Please Note: With the BDB Platform (V-7.0), the solution took only 20 man-days to build and productionize.