Kitchen Dashboard

The Interface of the Dashboard

The kitchen dashboard provides real-time visuals for online orders.


Working on the dashboard

  • Whenever an order is placed online, it will get received in the kitchen dashboard.

  • A notification will pop up with received order details & user can track the order.

  • Once the user clicks on the Ready to Pickup button, the order will be passed to the Delivery Agent dashboard using API ingestion.

API Ingestion Details

var settings = {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"timeout": 0,
"headers": {
"ingestionId": "8d6c9deb-79c0-4860-b618-237400cb9328",
"ingestionSecret": "VjBJG/saQn/MeDPMLXm6f1fFpd6as63t5ZffKOg0sH6jmuRZVzn9ZjzfdrZqmQyk",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"data": JSON.stringify([
"ORDER_ID":orderID ,
"order_starttime": sttime,
"order_endtime": endtime,
"orderplaced_date": date1,
	"latitude": loc1,
	"longitude": loc2,
	"FIRST_NAME": 'steve'

Model as an API

Once the churn status button is clicked, based on the customer Id a churn model will run in real- time and give us the information on their churn status. Based on the churn status the franchise can decide whether to provide any complementary items to keep him engaged or not.

Last updated