Mobile Order Dashboard

The interface of the dashboard

Main Page

  • On the main page, we have the Today’s Menu section in which users can add or remove items. The total items count will be displayed in the bottom items tile.

  • Users can add Coupons to their orders. Once they added items, they can order their food.

Successful order

A successful message popup will come after the user clicks on the Order Food button at the end of the dashboard.

API ingestion

  • When the user clicks on Order Food, An API will be called, and it will send the ordered and customer details to the main pipeline. The data as API contains below JSON structure:

  • The same data will be written into MongoDB and sent to the Kitchen dashboard through WebSocket.

Failure message

  • If API ingestion fails, then a notification appears in the dashboard to mention that the order has failed.

Recommendation message

  • Based on the customer segmentation, customer lifetime value, and churn, the pipeline will process the real-time order and share the real-time recommendation back to the application.

  • From the main pipeline recommendation items, data will be sent to the dashboard through WebSocket.

  • The notification bell in the title tab will indicate when data comes to the dashboard.

Last updated