Modifying a Notebook

Add or modify Notebook Name and Description.

Check-out the illustration on how to modify a Notebook.

Editing Notebook Name

  • Navigate to a newly created Notebook (A default name will be given to the Notebook).

  • Click the Edit Notebook Name icon.

  • Provide a name to the newly created Notebook by editing/removing the default name.

  • Click the Save icon provided to save Notebook updates.

  • A notification message appears to convey the same.

  • The Notebook status gets updated as saved indicating that the Notebook name has been saved.

Adding Notebook Description

  • Navigate to a Notebook page. E.g., The below image displays the Demo Notebook page.

  • Add a description of the Notebook in the given space.

  • The Notebook status turns into Unsaved.

  • Click the Save icon.

  • The Notebook description gets added.

  • A notification message appears to indicate that the recent Notebook updates are saved.

  • The Notebook status turns into Saved.

  • Click the Back icon to access the Notebook List page.

  • The description gets saved in the Notebook and it can be seen in the Notebook list as well.

Last updated

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