Using a Markdown Cell

This page describes steps to use the text cells of the Notebook.

The Markdown cells are used to enter a description for the Notebook. They are formatted using a simple markup language called Markdown. The Markdown cell contains a toolbar to assist with editing.

Inserting a Markdown Cell

  • Click the +Markdown option.

  • The Markdown cell appears below to insert Markdown to the Notebook.

  • Choose an action from the toolbar.

  • It gets added to the left side of the Markdown cell.

  • The right-side Markdown space displays the text with the applied effect.

  • The below-given image displays some actions from the toolbar (such as Bold, Italic, Heading, Reference) applied to the Markdown text.

  • Click the Save option.

  • The Markdown cell with inserted effect gets saved and the Markdown display gets changed displaying the text with saved effects on the left side (as shown in the given image).

  • The user can click the Save option provided for the Notebook to save the update in the Notebook (after the Markdown cell has been added to it).

  • The Notebook gets updated and the same gets communicated through a notification message.

Editing a Markdown Cell

  • Use the double clicks on a saved Markdown cell.

  • The Markdown cell opens in the editable format to edit it.

  • Click the Save option to update the edited Markdown in the Notebook.

Deleting a Markdown Cell

  • Click the Delete Cell icon for a saved Markdown cell.

  • The Delete Cell dialog box opens.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • The selected Markdown gets removed and the same gets communicated by a notification message.

Last updated

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