
The Notebook page facilitates the user to select from the available the datasets. The user can add, upload, and read the Datasets using this tab.

Check out the given walk-through on how to add a dataset using the Notebook page,

Adding a Dataset

This section helps to understand the steps to add a new dataset inside a Notebook using the Datasets tab provided on the Notebook page.

  • Navigate to the Notebook page.

  • Click on the Datasets tab.

  • It lists the available Datasets (It may not list any dataset, if it is a newly created Notebook).

  • Click the Add icon provided for the Datasets.

  • The Add Datasets page opens listing the available Datasets below.

  • Select a Dataset by using the checkbox provided next to it.

  • Click the Add option.

  • A confirmation message appears.

  • The selected Dataset(s) gets added to the Notebook and can be seen in the Datasets list.

Please Note:

  • The user can select multiple datasets using the checkboxes provided next to the datasets.

  • The Add option appears only after the user selects at least one dataset from the list.

Uploading Datasets

The Upload option is provided for the Sandbox files inside the Data Science Notebook.

  • Navigate to the Add Datasets panel from a Data Science Notebook.

  • Click the Upload option.

  • The Upload Data Sandbox window appears.

  • Provide a Sandbox Name.

  • Provide Description (it is optional).

  • Use the Choose File option to select a file.

  • Click the Save option to upload the selected file.

  • A notification message appears to inform completion of the action.

  • The uploaded file lists below with a checkbox to select it.

​Reading Datasets

  • Datasets can be read in two methods as:

    • Using get_data function datasets and data sandbox files (csv & xlsx files) can be read.

    • Using Copy Path functionality data sandbox files (xls, txt, png, json, jpg, jpeg, mp4 files) can be read.

Last updated

Change request #64: Data Science Lab Workflow Page merge2