Notebook Version Control

Easily maintain multiple versions of a Notebook in GIT Lab.

Pre-requisite: Make sure that the Version control settings for the DSL plugin are configured by your administrator before you use this functionality.

Watch out a walk-through on the Version Control Functionality for Notebook.

Pushing a Notebook to the VCS

  • Navigate to the Notebook list of a Project.

  • Select a Notebook.

  • Click the Push into VCS icon for the Notebook.​

  • The Push into Version Controlling System dialog box appears.

  • Provide a Commit Message.

  • Click the Push option.​

  • The Notebook version gets pushed into the Version Controlling System and the Notebook list gets updated with the latest version.

  • A notification message appears to inform the success of the action.​

Pulling a Notebook from the VCS

  • Navigate to the Notebook list given under a Project.

  • Select a Notebook.

  • Click the Pull from VCS icon for the Notebook.

  • The Pull from Version Controlling System dialog box opens.

  • Select the version that you wish to pull by using the checkbox.

  • Click the Pull option.

  • The pulled version of the selected Notebook gets updated in the Notebook list.

  • A notification message appears to inform the success of the action.

Last updated

Change request #64: Data Science Lab Workflow Page merge2