
Allows users to select the environment they want to work in. Currently, supported Python frameworks are Sklearn (default), TensorFlow, PyTorch and PySpark.

The user can select only single environment for one particular project. The project will have all the dependencies of the particular environment selected for in the project level.

Supported environments

  • TensorFlow: Users can execute Sklearn commands by default in the notebook. If the users select the TensorFlow environment, they do not need to install packages like the TensorFlow and Keras explicitly in the notebook. These packages can simply be imported inside the notebook.

  • PyTorch: If the users select the PyTorch environment, they do not need to install packages like the Torch and Torchvision explicitly in the notebook. These packages can simply be imported inside the notebook.

  • PySpark: If the users select the PySpark environment, they do not need to install packages like the PySpark explicitly in the notebook. These packages can simply be imported inside the notebook.

Last updated

Change request #64: Data Science Lab Workflow Page merge2