This space contains multiple saved Views to provide an insightful data story to the users.
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This space contains multiple saved Views to provide an insightful data story to the users.
Last updated
The user can add multiple Views on a single screen signified as a Storyboard. They can add any number of Views based on various data stores on a single storyboard. The users can create a new View, apply Global Filter, and save an altered View using the storyboard. The user can instantly modify themes, avail data drill, and export a business story to the desired format all from this single screen. The user can instantly add a new View using the Search option provided on the vertical panel of the Storyboard.
The following image provides an overview of how a Storyboard may look with Views added to it across multiple data sources.
Describing the Storyboard icons:
Data Search Bar
Searches the queried data from the selected Data Store.
Create New View
Redirects users to the Design workspace to design a new view.
Save Story
Saves the story with all the added views.
Global Filter
Filters data from the multiple views saved on the storyboard.
Applied Filter
Displays the list of applied filters on the selected story.
Shared Views
Redirects the user to select and add the available shared view(s) to the storyboard.
Refresh Views
Refreshes the story with all the existing views.
Exports the story in CSV, XLSX, PDF, and PPT format.
Alert Center
Redirects to schedule an alert for the story.
Change Theme
Displays various themes to be applied to the story.
Data Store Information
Opens necessary information for the selected Data Store.
Start Tour
Begins the guided tour of the selected page.
Redirects to add a description of the story.
Full Screen/Reduce Size
Displays the full-screen view of the Storyboard or reduces the display of the Storyboard screen.