Data Store Information

This page displays the information about the selected Data Stores in context to a Story.

The data store information icon helps the user to manage data stores in a business story. This icon is accessible from the storyboard page. By clicking the Data Store Information icon, a new page opens, and the users get some more options to be used on a data store.

Selecting Another Data Store

  • Navigate to the Storyboard of a story.

  • Click the Data Store Information icon.

  • The selected Data Store(s) for the current story appears with some action icons.

  • The user can perform the following actions by using the various icons provided for a Data Store:

    • Primary Store: It marks the selected Data Store as a primary Data Store

    • Search: It redirects the users to the BDB Search page for the selected Data Store.

    • View Design: It redirects the users to the Design page for the selected Data Store.

    • Create/Update Instance: It redirects the users to create or update instance for the selected Data Store.

  • Click the All Data Stores icon.

  • A list of the available Data Stores opens for the users to select another data store.

  • The Search Data Store space is provided for this list.

  • The user can search for a specific Data Store using the the Search Data Store list.

Setting a Data Store as Primary Data Store

The user can select a Data Store from the list of used Data Stores in case of a Story by using the Data Store Information page.

  • Click on the Data Store Information icon from the Storyboard page.

  • The Data Store Information window opens.

  • Click the Primary Store icon provided next to a listed Data Store.

  • The selected Data Store becomes the Primary Data Store for that Story, and it will get selected by default while opening the Design page.

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