Like and Not Like Filter Operations

The user can enable the filter and lookup for specific dimensions via the Data Type Definition step for a Data Store. All the selected (enabled) dimensions list with the sub-values, while for the disabled ones, no sub-values appear. This operation applies to both Local and Global filters.

  • Navigate to the Data Type Definition page for a Data Store (the image displays the Data Type Definition page for the Data Store where Dimensions like gender, skills, and ename are enabled for the filter lookup function, but source, previous_organisation, and team are disabled from the filter lookup.

  • Create a story based on the same Data Store and save it with relevant views.

  • Access the global filter panel and select any of the disabled Dimension values (E.g., the Source dimension is selected from the Filter panel).

  • Choose the Like operation from the drop-down menu.

  • Provide a Value manually to filter data. The list of sub-dimensions does not appear (E.g., BDB option is manually provided value for the Source dimension).

  • Click the Apply icon.

  • The concerned views get filtered as per the applied filter value.

  • Select the Not Like as the filter operation.

  • The concerned views get filtered, excluding the entered values (E.g., BDB has been selected as source Filter so the Views display data for the not entered values.

Please Note:

  • The disabled Dimension values do not display the sub-values of that dimension, and it displays only Like and Not Like operations for those dimensions.

  • The Like and Not Like operations are available in the View Filter panel as well.

Last updated