Creating a New Data Set using RDBMS Connector

Check out the given walk-through on how to create a Data Set using the RDBMS Data Connector.

  • Navigate to the Data Center homepage.

  • Click the New option.

  • Select the Data Set option from the context menu.

  • The Data Source page opens.

  • The Data Connectors list gets displayed.

  • Search for a Data Connector using the Search Data Connectors bar.

  • with the Create Data Set Action icon (+) for all the available data connectors.

  • The Data Set page opens with the Configuration fields.

    • Service Name: Enter any user-defined name for the new data set.

    • Description: Provide a brief description of the Data Set (optional).

    • Data Connector Name: This is a pre-defined field based on the selected data connector.

    • Database Name: This is a pre-defined field based on the data connector chosen earlier.

  • Query: Write a valid query service in the given space (Use Ctrl+Space keys for assistance in writing a query).

  • Table Information: On the right side of the page Table information is displayed and that will contain all the tables in the Data base and the Column name in the table. Double click in the Table or Column will auto generate a sample query so that user can validate and get data.

  • Click the Validate option to execute the new Data Set.

  • If the query contains filters, then on the right-side filter column will appear.

  • Click on the Continue button then query will execute.

  • A message appears to inform the successful execution.

  • The data preview appears at the bottom of the page.

  • The Save option gets enabled.

  • A notification message appears to assure completion of the action.

  • The newly created Data Set gets added to the ‘Data Sets’ List.

Please Note: At present the Edit, Publish, and Deleted icons are provided under the More Actions icon.

Applying Dynamic Filter in an RDBMS Data Set

The user can insert dynamic filter conditions via the query service to an RDBMS Data Set.

  • Navigate to the Data Set form for any RDBMS connector.

  • Enter the filter condition to the Query section.

  • Click the Validate option.

  • Right side dialog window opens, asking for the filter value.

  • Enter a filter value.

  • Click the Continue option.

  • The data preview of the filter data displays at the bottom of the page.

  • Click the Save option to save the Data Set form.

  • The newly created dataset gets saved with the filter value under the Data Sets list.

Please Note:

  • Use the CTRL+ Space keys to get assistance while writing a query.

  • The user can customize the Data Sets list by Data Connector Type, Data Connector, and Publish Status. These customization options are provided on the top of the Data Sets List page.

DATA Protection

In data set validation page there is one more option is available for Data protection, This will provide different type of security for the Data we are providing.

Rule Types

  • Redaction

    • Full/ Partial reduction is available

    • Redaction Type/Mask Type partial option user can decide the length and the starting point

  • Masking

    • User can apply the masking and decide the length and starting point for masking

    • The Masking character can be decided.

  • Hashing

    • Three types of Hashing is available

      • SHA 25

      • SHA 384

      • SHA 512


  • Date Generalization

    • Year, Month, Quarter, Week Options are available for data generalization.


  • Appy Data protection :

Restricting Displayed Data for End Users via Data Set

BDB Platform provides an option to control data display for the Dashboard end-users.Please Note: Data Restriction through Data Service (Data Set) is interconnected with multiple platform plugins. The precondition for this feature is that the users should possess a good understanding of all the involved BDB Platform modules and the Dashboard Designer plugin.

  • Create a Custom Field using the Configuration and settings admin section.

  • Create a Data Set using the ENV with the selected Custom Field Key.​

  • Create a Dashboard using the Data Set.

  • Publish the Dashboard to the portal.

  • Open the Dashboard (it opens in preview mode by default as displayed below).

  • Create a new user (using the Security module) and pass the Custom Field value/ Update an existing user passing the Custom Field Value.

  • Share it to another Platform user via the Share with User option.

  • Access the dashboard from the updated user’s account to whom it was shared.

  • Open the shared dashboard; the dashboard displays only permitted data by the admin.

Last updated