Provide the following information to create a MySQL Data Connector:

  • Data Connector Name: Provide a user-defined name to identify the data connector.

  • Description: Describe about the Data Connector.

  • Username: Enter a Username (It should be the same as given in the connection server).

  • Password: Enter the Password (It should be the same as provided in the connection server).

  • IP/Host: Enter database server details (from where the user wants to fetch data).

  • Port: Provide the server port number.

  • Database Name: Name of the database where you wish to store data.

  • SSL Type: Select SSL or Non SSL as choices.

  • Upload Key: Select a upload key using the drop-down menu.

  • Click the Save option.

Please Note:

  • The MySQL Data Connector supports multiple IP/ Host separated by commas.

  • The MySQL Data Connector supports single Port number.

  • The Upload Key field appears only if the SSL option is selected for the SSL Type.

  • A success message appears confirming the connection.

  • Another success message appears confirming the creation of the Data Connector.

  • The newly created MySQL data connector gets added to the Data Connectors list.

Please Note: The user can use the following Environment Variables instead of the actual Username and Password to create the MySQL Data Connectors.



Last updated