Google Analytics

Check-out the given walk-through on how to create a Data Connector using the Google Analytics as data source.

The following set of steps displays how to create a Google Analytics Data Connector.

  • Select the Add New Account option to add a new Google account or select an added Google account from the Select Account drop-down menu.

  • The user gets redirected to log in to a Google account, if the Add New Account is selected.


  • Give access to the analytics data by clicking the Allow option.​​

  • The user gets redirected to the data connector form with an authorization code in the URL, after getting the access permission. The form mentions that the user has been logged in to the selected Google account.

  • Data Connector Name: Enter a user-defined name to identify the data connector.

  • Description: Describe the data connector (optional).

  • Click the Save option.

Please Note: The user can Cancel the connector if wished to do so from the current page.

  • A success message appears, and the newly created Google Analytics data connector gets added to the Data Connectors list.

Please Note: The below-given page opens if the user selects an account using the Select Account drop-down menu. In this scenario, the user needs to provide only the Data Connector name, Description (optional) and click the Save option to create a new Google Analytics Data Connector.

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