Email Server

Configure the Email Server settings using this admin option.

The administrator can configure the email server information using this admin option to get email alerts for new Forms and Business Story alerts.

  • Click the Email Server option from the Configurations list.​

  • The Email Server Settings page opens.

  • Provide the required information to configure the Email Server Settings.

    • Email Host: SMTP host address

    • Email Port: Port number of SMTP

    • Encryption Type: Select an encryption type from the drop-down menu.

    • Email From: Enter authenticated credentials of the sender.

    • Email Password: Provide the password

    • Email Username: Name that gets displayed to the receivers

  • Configure the following alert options for email by putting checkmarks:

    • Disable email sending: By selecting this option, email alert gets disabled

    • Send test email by selecting this message a test mail is sent.

    • Send email to perform the tasks such as publish/share/copy to documents: By enabling this option email alert gets shared for publishing, share and copy to actions of the documents.

  • Domain Selection: Select a Domain from the given options (All/Selected Domains)

  • Click the Update option to update the email server settings information.

  • A notification message appears to assure that the saved email server details are updated.

Please Note: Click the Clear option to erase the entered configuration details for the Email Server Settings.

Last updated