Core Ownership Transfer

The Core Ownership Transfer Settings allows to transfer all the components of Data Center, Designer, Security, Home, and Pipeline modules from one user to another user.

Check out the given walk-through to understand the Core Ownership Transfer configuration option.

This Admin Settings will help the users in the same space to own the variety of components created by another user in case of project handover or role change. Thus, the entire account access can be transferred to the desired user in the same page.

Please Note: This feature is provided to handle situation like when some user leaves the organization, and his work needs to be transferred to another user.

  • Click on the Core Ownership Transfer option from Configurations list in the Admin Module.​

  • Then Core Ownership Transfer page opens.

  • Provide the following information to transfer the core ownership to another user.

    • Select Current User: Select a user from the given drop-down list.

    • Select New Owner: Select a new owner from the given drop-down list.

    • Select Module/Modules: Select a module or multiple modules to be transferred to the selected new owner (Platform modules can list as choices).

  • Click the Transfer option.

  • A success message appears, and the selected modules get transferred to the new owner.

Last updated