Navigate to the Manage Datamart of Your Survey page.
The DataMart details will be displayed.
Click the Update Settings icon.
The Scheduler View window opens.
Click the Create Scheduler option.
The users get directed to a new screen.
Complete the following configurations:
Select a time range option
Enter start date
Select any one option to schedule refresh:
Enter an end date.
Click the Save option.
A success message appears, and the scheduler is created successfully, the screen will display the Edit Scheduler and Stop Scheduler options.
Click the Edit Scheduler on the Create Scheduler screen.
Edit information as needed.
Click the Update Scheduler option.
The scheduler information gets updated successfully.
Click the Stop Scheduler option.
The scheduler gets stopped.
A message appears to notify that the scheduler is stopped.
Click the Restart Scheduler to resume the scheduler.
A message appears to notify that the scheduler is restarted.