Available Question Types

The page lists out all the available question types under the BDB Survey.

BDB Survey provides with various question types to build a survey.

Single Answer

This type of question is an essential question to restrict respondents to a single option from all the provided options. Selecting a choice out of all the offered options will often classify them as members of a group. Example, selecting age group, religion, or gender.

Multiple Answer

Respondents can select one or more options from a list of answers to express their opinion. Multiple choice question type can be used, when there is a fixed number of options available for a question.

Single Answer Picture

Use this type of question when you want respondents to select only one picture from a list of picture choices.

Multiple Answer Picture

Use this type of question when you want respondents to select more than one picture from a list of picture choices.

Yes/ No

Use ‘Yes/ No’ when there are only two possible options for answering the question. This type of question can also be used as an end survey question. ‘Required’ validation can be applied to this question.

Matrix-Single Answer

Use this kind of question, if you want respondents to apply the same measurement while answering several related questions. It allows only one answer per row. You also have the option to turn the matrix question into a rating scale when you want to assign weights to each answer choice.

Matrix-Multiple Answer

Use a Matrix-Multiple Answer question type, if you want respondents to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices. You can set this type of matrix question to collect multiple answers.

Rating Scale

Questions formed under this type are generally to measure the opinions or attitudes of the desired audience. It is to rate a single aspect or thing alongside a spread-out range of possible choices/options. The rating scale is used to assign weights to respondents’ answers. Rating is predefined for these questions. E.g., Customer satisfaction survey questions

Numerical Text Box

Numerical short responses can be collected by using this question type. The alphabetical keyboard is disabled to restrict the respondents to use only numbers.

Text Box

To collect single short text or numerical responses from the respondents the single Text Box can be used. It can be validated to turn it into a compulsory question. E.g., Pin Code, Designation.


It is difficult to provide specific pre-set answer options to open-ended survey questions; therefore, respondents are required to type their responses into a comment box. Respondents are free to choose the wording and length of responses. Collected responses can then be viewed separately or through some text analysis tools. Questions falling under this type are often not mandatory to respond.

Multiple Textbox

This question type is used to collect multiple short responses for a single question. It includes both, numerical and textual responses. The user can specify the answer length and ‘Required’ validation can be applied to this question type.

Contact Details

Use this question type to collect basic contact details from the respondents. There are ten predefined fields given under this question which can be enabled or disabled as per the need of the survey.

Use ‘Dropdown’ when you want respondents to select only one answer from a list of answer choices. Inserted details for the ‘Question Text’ and ‘Select Option’ title for the dropdown menu will be displayed on the workspace (as shown below).

Use ‘Dropdown Multiple Selection’ when you want respondents to select multiple answers from a list of answer choices.

Multiple Dropdown-Same Option

Use ‘Multiple Dropdown-Same Option’ when you want respondents to answer multiple questions using the same drop-down options from a list of option choices.

Multiple Dropdown-Different Option

Use the Multiple Dropdown-Same Option question type when you want respondents to answer multiple questions using the different drop-down options from a list of option choices.

Matrix Dropdown-Same Option

Use this question type when you want respondents to select an option from matrix drop-down and collect multiple answers for the chosen column. The category of the columns and options provided for drop-down remains the same for all the responses.

Matrix Dropdown-Different Option

Use this question type when you want respondents to select an option from matrix drop-down and collect multiple answers for the chosen columns. The category of the columns and options provided for drop-down can be different.

Please Note:

  • The user can use the left side panel of the screen to insert options for the drop-down menu. (as shown below):

  • The user does not get the drop-down options from the workspace. The options for the drop-down question appears only on the Preview page or while attempting the survey.

  • If the head value is kept blank, then it displays the first option provided for the drop-down menu by default as the head value.


Use the ‘Ranking’ type of question when you want to rank different options. The chosen options will be ranked out of the total number of available choices.

Net Promoter Score

Use ‘Net Promoter Score’ when you want respondents to give a specific score out of 10 for the chosen option.


Use ‘Slider’ when you want respondents to give a specific score between selected Minimum and Maximum value. The value is given to each step, Minimum value, and Maximum value should be preselected.

Digital Signature

Use this option when you want respondents to give their digital signature. Respondents can provide a digital signature through curser by holding the left click. The respondent can use the left click of the cursor to provide a digital signature in the given space.

File Upload

Use this option when you want respondents to upload a file. It supports PDF, document, Spread-Sheet, and Image to be uploaded. The file size should not exceed 500 KB. The user can upload the file from the preview page or attempt page.

Date/ Time

Use this option when you want respondents to provide date and time. The user can access this feature from the survey designer page, preview screen, and attempt page. By clicking on the space given for date and time, the user will get a calendar to provide a date. Time will be taken based on the system clock. The user can change the inserted date and time manually.


Insert an image into your survey by uploading an image file or specifying the URL of an image on the web. The chosen image should not exceed the size limit of 1 MB. This type of question can be associated with descriptive, text box, numerical text box, or comment to get a meaningful outcome.


Use this question type when you want to show a brief description of different sections at any place in the survey. It supports smiles and HTML in the body.

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