Check out the illustration on sharing a workspace.
Open the Manage option.
Navigate to the Workspaces section.
Select a Workspace from the list.
Click the Share Workspace icon.
The Manage Access window opens.
Select permissions using the Grant Permissions.
The Users, User Groups, and Exclude Users tabs will be displayed. Choose users or user groups tabs to share the workspace.
Search specific users or user groups using the Search bar.
Select a user or user group using checkboxes.
Click the Share option.
A notification message appears.
Re-open the Manage Access window.
The selected user/ user group gets listed under the Granted Permissions section.
Check out the illustration on revoking privileges for a shared workspace.
Open the Manage Access window for a shared Workspace.
Navigate to the Granted Permissions section.
Select a user/ user group from the Granted Permissions section.
Click the Revoke icon.
The Revoke dialog box opens.
Click the Yes option to revoke the permission.
A notification message appears and the privileges get revoked.
Check out the illustration on excluding users from a user group to access the privileges for a shared workspace.
Open the Manage Access window for a Workspace.
Select permissions using the given checkboxes for the Grant Permissions.
The Users, User Groups, and Exclude Users tabs display. Select the User Groups tab to share a workspace.
Search a specific user/ user group using the Search bar.
Select a user group by using a checkbox.
Navigate to the Exclude Users tab.
Select users using the checkboxes.
Click the Share option.
A notification message appears.
Re-open the Manage Access window.
The excluded user(s) will be listed under the Excluded Users section.
Please Note: An excluded user can be included to access the privileges for a shared Workspace by using the Include User icon.