DB Reader

The DB reader is a spark-based reader which gives you capability to read data from multiple database sources.

All component configurations are classified broadly into the following sections:

Please follow the steps given in the demonstration to configure the RDBMS Reader component.

Drivers Available:

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • MS-SQL

  • ClickHouse

  • Snowflake

Please Note:

  • The ClickHouse driver in the Spark components will use HTTP Port and not the TCP port.

  • In the case of data from multiple tables (join queries), one can write the join query directly without specifying multiple tables, as only one among table and query fields is required.

  • Fetch Size: Provide the maximum number of records to be processed in one execution cycle.

  • Create Partition: This is used for performance enhancement. It's going to create the sequence of indexing.

    • Auto Increment: The number of partitions will be incremented automatically.

    • Index: The number of partitions will be incremented based on the specified Partition column.

  • Partition Column: specify a unique column name, whose value is a number.​

Check out the given demonstration of the DB Reader component with the Snowflake driver.

Last updated

Change request #65: 's Mar 27 changes