Email Component

Email component is designed to send email in a specified format to one or multiple receivers.

All component configurations are classified broadly into 3 section

Follow the given steps in the demonstration to configure the Email component.

Configuring an email component

Configuring Meta information of Email Component

  • Subject: Specify subject of the email.

  • HTML Editor: Specify body of the email. Attachment: Whether to send in-event data as attachment(Yes/No).

  • Receivers: Specify the receivers email address(If more than one provide emails separated by comma).

  • TLS: Checkbox to enable or disable Transport Layer Security.

  • Email User Name: The email username that has been configured with the SMTP server.

  • Encryption Type: Select the encryption method from the dropdown.

    • SSL

    • TLS

    • None

  • Email Password: Provide the password for the email that has been configured in SMTP server.

  • Enable SSL Email From: Email address of the sender that has been configured with the SMTP server.

  • Email Port: Provide SMTP port.

  • Disable Email Sending: Option to disable the sending of the email.

  • Email Input: These selected input field will go to out-event and these can be used in email body.

Please Note: The below given image represents a model email sent to the configured receivers.

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