This page focuses on the steps to pull a data set version from the VCS.
Check out the illustration on pulling a data set from VCS.
Select a Data Set of which some version is available in the VCS using the Data Sets list.
Click the Pull from VCS icon for a Data Set.
The Pull from Version Controlling System dialog box appears.
The multiple uploaded versions of the Data Set with committed message for each version get listed.
Select: To select the version you want to pull.
Version: Version number only will list as V1, V2, etc.
Commit: This is to Identify the data set version Pulling from VCS.
Commit time – The date and time that the data set is committed.
Committed By- The User name who committed the data set.
Select a version by using the checkbox provided next to the version number.
Click the Pull option.
A confirmation message appears once the selected Data Set version is pulled from the VCS.
Please Note: Once the user selects any version, the Pull option gets enabled.